Thursday, June 18, 2009
Let Go..
Ada org bising sy x update blog.. Mentang2 dia dh rajen update blog skrg, dlu msa dia tinggalkan blog dia bersawang xpenah update takdenye kite ni nk bising, kih3. Terima kasih atas kebisingan anda maka sy pon update lah sikit2 neh~
i heard you're doin okay..
Okay, glad to hear that u're doin fine.
I hesitate a lot before I hit the 'Send' button.
But at least, I got a reply. Tq :)
Getting closer to reach ur dreams, thank God for that.
Maybe one day, years and years from now..
Our path will cross again.
Maybe we'd recognize each other. Well, maybe not.
Maybe we'll never meet again. Hey, it's such a big world after all, right?
But still, I'm thankful to know u once in my life :)
Thank God for giving us the chance to b in each other's lives.
Eventho not for long.
For our own good. For the better good.
And because it's the right thing to do.
Whatever it is, live life without regrets.
Sometimes, u did something u shouldn't.
But, at least it's a chance for u to learn.
No need to freak out.
Bersangka baiklah dgn kehidupan, dgn takdir-Nya.
"You never fully let go of everything. And that should be your goal, because you can take away something good from everything that happens to you"
Well, no need to break a sweat trying to let go of everything.
Because sometimes it's not that easy & torturing u so much.
But some other times, u just don't want to remember a single thing.
Well, depends on life situations..
On how it affecst you.
And I go through both types, at different times of life..
I came out of all these confusions with a new perception in mind.
And I'll stick to it :)
Don't want to get into the confusion no more.
I don't need it, at least for now.
I pray hard that u will fly away & reach ur dreams.
Praying the best of life for u.
I could not be more happier than to hear u succeed.
I know how badly u want it :)
Forgive me for my wrong doings, weaknesses and 'mengarut'ness.
Haha =D
Dalam mengintai redha Ilahi terkadang diri ini tersungkur..
Namun tetap berusaha bangkit, mengetuk pintu taubat-MU..
Memohon agar dikurniakan ketetapan hati..
Kerana diri ini yakin..
Kaulah Tuhan yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani..
p/s : for me the best thing about reading something uncertain to u is that u're able to interpret it as how ur mind looks at it. how u perceive it. so, how would u interpret this post? no matter how, dont forget dears 'husnus zon @ bersangka baik' :)
Only a Girl's Thoughts.. ChE AtEn♥♥ being poured out at 6:09 PM 10 Comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Hari Ini..
Pagi, bangun mcm biasa. One weird habit yg mcm dah takleh elak is check hanfon bila bgn tdo. Ntah la apesal, mcm takde tujuan btol buat cmtu. Mungkin terfikir la kn kalo2 ad kwn msg hal2 penting ke, mtk tolong ke mse diriku terlena dibuai mimpi sblmnya. Ceh, konon la.. Tp actly dh mmg nasib kn dpt kwn2 yg suka msg lewat mlm/pagi buta tyme sy da tdo. Seriusly x kesah pon, I'm open for y'all :) Btw, back to cerita Hari Ini.. Dh bgn tdo tu (ni bgn tdo 2nd time sbb 1st time bgn nk solat je, smlm tdo lewat ah) tgk ad msg kt hanfon. From my bestfren, received at 2.19 am. Sayu ah baca msg dia, huuu~ Kwnku kandas lg.. Heh, bkn kandas test JPJ ke ape (tp mm dh kandas pon ritu kn? All d best re-test Khamis ni!) tp yg ni kandas laen. Kandas dlm love story nya. Ni bkn 1st time tp ku lihat dia spt sgt terkesan. Blog nya juga.. Sedih je ambient-nya. Hmm, even as a bestfren sy xtahu cane nk tenangkn dia. Mungkin biarkan shj dia tenangkn dri sendri, biar dia explore dri sdri. Aduhai, mslh hati & perasaan yg satu ni. Sy harap dia kuat, sbb dia mmg punya daya tahan yg kuat. Yes~ As ur bestfren, I'm here always here if u need me :)
Utk bestfren : "Bukankah dengan mengingati Allah hati akan tenang?"
Anyway, today me & my famly akan balik kL. Isnin ni adik2 da stat skola, umi da stat mengajar balik & ayah.. Eh, ayah takde cuti ah sbb dia kan bos hahaha (tu la jadi bos lagik..). Except my sis Huda sbb dia skul kt MRSM KT tu jah. Ayah kata nk gerak tgh hri after hantar Huda blik maktab tp tup2 delay ptg ni pulak. Haa, tak sampai hati nk tinggalkn adik awl2 kt cni la tu. Hee~ Btw, I've been in Terengganu for a week. Very blessful moment back here! Sedih nk tinggalkan dis place, feels like I belong here forever~ Spnjg hari2 ku d cni, sy jumpa highschool besfriends Nurulhuda & Nurul Izzati where we also kebetulan jumpa dgn kwn2 dari kelas sebelah, kelas 5A2, Yaya, Shera, Biah, Anis, Ifa, Kema kt A&W (me & Huda 5A1 while Zati 5A3 so 5A2 sebelah kelas kami la kn? hee~) Seronok jgk jumpa mereka yg dh lama x nmpk muka. Eh, knape muka korg cam x berubah sgt eh? Hehhe. Then, my aunts, uncles, cousins yg kecik2 dan besar2 dtg umah. Ya Allah, rindu sgt kt mereka neh~ Kalo nk tunggu raya baru leh jumpa mmg makan hati la diriku ini. Then, apa lagi ya.. Nk pikiaq sat. Hmm, ahha.. Dpt 2 gifts from 2 of my bestfrens. Zati bg tali gantung hanfon kaler pink strawberry dr Cameron Highlands & Is bg beg sandang kaler pink jugak dr Langkawi kot? Lupe ah, sbb dia beli beg tu dh lama gila tp x sempat2 nk bagi kt sy. Aritu pon his sister, Aifa, yg dtg kt A&W kasi beg tu sbb Is kne teman papa dia g kL. Terima kasih jgk kt Aifa sbb susa2 dt A&W dgn mama dia :) Pastu mse kt Ganu ad jgk lalu sekali kt tepi stadium yg runtuh. Masih kelihatan.. ngeri. But then, apesal ramai gila org kt situ? Igt ni tmpt pelancongan ke? Suka sgt depa dok tgk stadium yg runtuh tu, pelik ah pelik.. Plus, kt cni jugak sy dh memahirkan diri driving di bandar KT yg pelik tuh I mean jalan sehala. Huhu. Ok, yg ni cam kerek sket. Abaikan.. Hmm and the rest of my time here is history. Ala, duk umah la apa lagi. Hehe. Bila la boleh balik cni lagi ek? Very blissful ^_^
Cuti berbaki around sebulan lagi. Hmm.. Lovegame. (Eh, xde motif g tulis lovegame. Hahha..)
Only a Girl's Thoughts.. ChE AtEn♥♥ being poured out at 9:50 AM 12 Comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wedding Plan? Hahaha~
Ada manusia busybody nk tau wedding plan sy, so beliau pon tag sy n siap msg kt hp kate wajib buat bnde neh. Baiklah Madam Fateen Noor Amiera, here it goes..
1. How old are you?
- will b 19 years old this september
2. Are you single?
- yep (are u seeing double? u must have eye problem then..)
3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
- before 25 kot, haha.. xmau lewat2 sgt duh~
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
- who am i with now? huhu.. not able to think.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
- hmm... itu terpulang pd.. jodoh. aduhai soalan~
6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your best man?
- Huda or Fateen or Izzati or my roomate kot?
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
- Mne2 pon bole la, asal selamat walimatul urus tu suda~
8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
- Kt bulan berperisa madu.. spe bole carikan? (eh, ape sy mengarut neh?)
9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
- sume org kne dtg.. hee~ i mean it, SEMUA~
10. Will that include your exes?
- kn dh kata semua kne dtg..
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
- jap eh nk tye ummi.. haha~ (bakal mak mertua kne tye gk tp xtau spe lg skrg =P)
- will b 19 years old this september
2. Are you single?
- yep (are u seeing double? u must have eye problem then..)
3. At what age do you think you’ll get married?
- before 25 kot, haha.. xmau lewat2 sgt duh~
4. Do you think you’ll be marrying the person you are with now?
- who am i with now? huhu.. not able to think.
5. If not, who do you want to marry?
- hmm... itu terpulang pd.. jodoh. aduhai soalan~
6. Who will be your bridesmaid or your best man?
- Huda or Fateen or Izzati or my roomate kot?
7. Do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
- Mne2 pon bole la, asal selamat walimatul urus tu suda~
8. Where do you plan to go for honeymoon?
- Kt bulan berperisa madu.. spe bole carikan? (eh, ape sy mengarut neh?)
9. How many guest do you think you’ll invite?
- sume org kne dtg.. hee~ i mean it, SEMUA~
10. Will that include your exes?
- kn dh kata semua kne dtg..
11. How many layers of cake do you want?
- jap eh nk tye ummi.. haha~ (bakal mak mertua kne tye gk tp xtau spe lg skrg =P)
12. When do you want to get married? Morning or evening?
- selalunye akad nikah bkn buat mlm ke? aaaa.. xtau la, buat sepanjang hari pon xpe ah.
13. Name the song/tune you would like to play at your wedding?
- nk suh pihak lelaki nyanyi lagu 'I'm Yours' bole x? ewah2, demand sungguh~ tipu je ah.. =P
14. Do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon/fork/ knife?
- semua pon ok, asal menyenangkan tetamu yg dtg.. karang diorg segan2 lak nk mkn kalo letak cutlery formal sgt en..
15.Champagne or red wine?
- air sirap? hahaha... nti sume jenis air nk letak, milo, tea, coffee, juice etc. hehe~
16. Honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
- right after the wedding hari2 pon honeymoon, haha.. suke hati la en.
17. Money or household items?
- money utk hantaran.. household items utk kegunaan selepas kawen.. logik la kn.
18. How many kids would you like to have?
- ade rezki ade la..
19. Will your record your honeymoon in DVD and CD?
- ??? (soalan ni pelik ah)
20. I want to know their wedding plans:
- Cik Tira
- Izzati Wahib
-Arina Ayuni
- Nur Natasha Kamal
- Najwa Hanim
- Encik Megat hahaha
p/s : bak kate Madam Fateen beliau tag sy sbb beliau rse sy akan kawen paling awl among us. ohho, wait n see la cik Fateen ooii. Nti tup2 dia yg layang kad jemputan dlu, haha =D btw, ni bkn wedding plan btol2 sbb xde plan pon lg ah..
Only a Girl's Thoughts.. ChE AtEn♥♥ being poured out at 11:13 PM 21 Comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
Engineering Disaster.. or Mistake?
Skrg ni antara topik2 tergempar kt Malaysia is about runtuhan. Bkn satu yg runtuh.. byk, tp yg terdekat ad dua. Yg bangunan shopping mall kt Petaling Jaya tu satu then the latest bumbung Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin di Kompleks Sukan Gong Badak, Kuala Terengganu 9.30am 2 Jun yg lalu. Pergh, tersentap bila dpt tau berita ni mse tgk berita kt TV3 mlm tu. Malu kot, org len bina stadium tahan berpuluh-puluh thn yg ni xsampai setahun dh runtuh ape kes beb? Siap dgn Pentas Diraja runtuh, ngeri gila kalo la mse tu ad majlis pape kt situ & tetamu Diraja ada. Cant even think of it. Mungkin ni la hikmahnye runtuh pd hari tersebut sbb spttnye 3 Jun keesokannya ad Kejohanan Sukan Staff IPTA ke-34. Very close incident! Bila browse thru blog2 org len ad pulak jmpe gmba raksasa dlm citer Ultraman tgh serang bumbung stadium tu dgn cahaya laser ke ape ntah dr mata dia. Ceh, lawak tak boleh kalah. Kredit to sape2 yg buat gamba tu. Boleh je kite salahkan Ultraman kn sbb xdtg cpt2 halang raksasa tu. Dh tu xde org nk take d blame sgt kn, blame it on Ultraman je la sonang~ heheh.. Anyhow, b4 dis dh mmg ad mslh pd struktur tu tp cam dipndg sebelah mata. Tak ngaku eh? Dh tu kalo dipandang dua belah mata konfem2 sempat nk take precaution kn b4 runtuh berdentum cmni. Pihak ni kate pihak tu slh, pihak tu kate dia x terlibat dlm design bumbung. Pihak len pulak kate pihak ni x amik action lepas terima aduan. Hah, elok la tu pi mai pi mai tang tu. Tunggu dan lihat je la.. Then skang ni sume baru mula nk inspect this bulding la that building la. Ok la tu, terbuka sudah pintu hati dan mata mereka. And the latest, mslh kebocoran kt Pusat Akuatik pulak.. Haih, sume ni kn new building yg dibina utk SUKMA aritu. Tak suspicious kah begini? Baru je plan nk p swimming kt ctu dh jd cmni pulak en. Cancel2, kang xpsl2 tgh lepak dlm pool runtuh bumbung ke ape ke ngeri duh~ Berdasarkn sumber yg bole dipercayai, mse pembinaan pusat akuatik tu dlu byk berlaku maksiat kt situ. Maksiat yg cam sial.. phm2 je la. Mungkin satu kifarah? Wallahu'alam. Dlu mse tyme SUKMA ade la jgk pegi melepak kt situ tgk acara renang n pegi jgk la stadium besor tu mse mjlis closing ceremony SUKMA. Mse tu ade jgk jeling2 bumbung stadium tu sbb cam unik je struktur binaannye yg katanya stadium pertama d Asia dgn sistem bumbung tnpa sokongan tiang. Heh, bunyi cam hebat gila ah tp hampeh. Kalo ikutkan struktur sokongan tnpa tiang tu memerlukan kepakaran yg tinggi gila2 ah. Yakin sgt diorg ni eh p buat cmtu, hasilnye? Dummm.. Runtuh beb. RM292 juta, big amount it was but mayb wasnt enuff for that kind of super high-tech engineering? Ntah la, agak2 je... Katenye, Syarikat dr Korea Selatan yg psg bumbung but then syrkt kontraktor tempatan nieh kate xdpt pape info sal design bumbung tu. Katenye kalo dpt design tu dlu maybe diorg nye engineer leh tentukan kesesuaian or watever la he claimed. But the thing is, dh jadik cmni baru nk claim sume tu. Aiyyo.. Mungkin ad mslh tersendiri d sana, who knows. Ok la, skang inspect la leklok sume bangunan yg baru siap kt seluruh negeri. Seems like a good way to make it all up, agaknye la. Hopefully no more disaster as such pasni. As it seems, xyah la blame spe2. Mistakes happen, but be sure to take precautions afterward. Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Risk Control cam yg kami belaja lam subjek Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) sem baru lepas patut di apply, hihi.. Papehal, blame kt Ultraman. Ok2, saje je. Pendapat peribadi, mungkin betol mungkin tidak. Any wrong info, sorry for that okeh. Yg sah2 wrong is regarding the Ultraman but that's the part I like the most actly. Hahah.. Tak rasa comel ke? Tak eh? Okei2.. Baiklah.
Anyway, currently I'm reading a horror novel by the best author for horror novels (ayah kate la..) who is Stephen King entitle 'PET SEMATARY'. This book was recommended & bought by my dad. He read several novels by this author during his student years back in University of Glaswgow, Scotland. The level of English in Stephen King's novels is very high. Its not something that u can find in Harry Potter or Princess Diaries which my dad referred to as 'children's novels'. And yes, sometimes I find it hard to understand what Mr King is trying to portray but the harder it goes the more interesting it becomes, at least for me. Baru bergerak sket sel2 otak sepanjang cuti ni en? But the story is superb! Try grab one & read it. Maybe u'll like it, who knows? :)

The house looked right, felt right to Dr Louis Creed. A place where his family could settle, and the children could grow up and explore the rolling hills and meadows. Surely a safe place. Not a place to seep into your dreams, to wake you, sweating with fear and foreboding.
Lat but not least, tomorrow we're leaving for Kuala Terengganu early in the morning. Going to spend time there until bdk2 ni nyer cuti skolah berakhir insyaAllah. And not to forget to mention that my house is in Gong Badak which, if u realize, dekat dgn stadium tu.. Kalo drive around 5 minutes je kot. Huhu.. Tu r cam emo sgt gatal tgn nk tulis sal stadium tu td. Ceh, memandai je la che aten ni. Sekian sari berita Ultraman =D
p/s : entry neh cam panjang tak patut & memeningkan at the same time. sapa2 baca smpai abes mmg hebat ah. tabik spring sama kamu :)
Only a Girl's Thoughts.. ChE AtEn♥♥ being poured out at 8:28 PM 10 Comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tagged by Fateen Noor Amiera =P
Only one, xmo pakai lbeh dr satu sbb xpelu pn. Byk lg gadget len y menarik selaen dr hp =D
2. Jenama Hp anda?
Sony Ericsson W580i, since September 2008..

Putih itu bersih.. [padahal terpakse amek kaler ni sbb xde stok, i want pink!~]
4. Anda menggunakan talian apa?
Celcom Upax 019
5. Apa yang anda dapat dengan menggunakan talian tersebut?
lower call & sms rates, longer active period until 2016 which means xpelu topup selagi kredit xkritikal..mantopp =D
6. Dalam sehari, berapa posen kredit anda habis?
agak2 xsmpi 50sen kot. sms setakat 1sen or 0.5sen [8pax]. call org jarang2 sekali, haha =P
7. Berapa kali anda topup sebulan?
kdg2 x topup langsung dlm sebulan sbb kredit x abes, hahah~
8. Anda lebih suka mesej or call?
kalo penting call la, kalo sje2 nk beramah mesra msg je~
9. Berapa bilangan mesej dalam inbox anda tika ini?
131 items, alamak byknye..sat lg nk delete mne2 yg xpenting huhu~
10. Ketika anda menjawab soalan ini, siapakah penghantar mesej yang paling akhir dalam inbox anda?
seseorang yg tidak diundang.. huh!
11. Ape perasaan anda masa baca msj tu?
m.e.n.y.a.m.p.a.h.. haish, tlg la jgn msg/call sy lg. i'll never answer any of them, xpaham btol la.. sia2 je tuka number dlu~
12. Apa yang anda reply kalau anda dapat mesej dari sumone yang anda tak kenal, and orang tu boleh pula tanya balik siapa anda? (sedangkan anda tak kenal pun siapa dia)
delete je la msg tu, cam sengal je..
13. Apa yang anda buat kalau ada nombor yang tak kenal tapi misscall anda banyak kali?
msg number tu tanye ape bole sy bantu?
14. Apa perasaan anda kalau number anda diberikan kepada orang yang anda admire secara senyap2?
takde perasaan. paling menyampah kalo number dberi scra senyap2 tanpa tujuan xkira la pd sape pon. igt ni public phone ape?
15. Ape yang orang akan cakap kat anda bile anda bace mesej yang lawak?
lawak kn msg tu? apesal xgelak che aten? [actly xphm la soaln ni tye ape, soalan ni yg lawak =P]
16. Anda taip mesej guna jari?
spe xguna jari sila contact sy, sy nk berguru dgn anda.. [soalan ni lg la lawak]
17. Anda ada call or mesej parents anda hari ni?
haha. parents sentiasa dpn mata xkn nk buang tebiat call/msg diorg =D
18. Ape perasaan anda bile jawab soalan2 ni?
sy rs mcm mengarut je soalan2 ni.. tp sy suke jgk haha =P
19. Nyatakan 7 name orang yang anda ingin forwardkan menatang ni dengan sebab..
- Cik Tira [kate nk g cosmo pstu senyap je,huhu]
- Izzati [bru je chat dgn dia..]
- Zahin [sje nk suh blog beliau diupdate =P]
- Esyad [agak2 beliau akan buat x?]
- Arina [1st time tag her]
- Laila Sakinah [tgk twitter dia terupdate je..]
- Kamu! [hehe..]
p/s : esk nk tgk muvie mne satu neh.. sume cam sweet je bak kate zati. hmm hmm~
Only a Girl's Thoughts.. ChE AtEn♥♥ being poured out at 9:19 PM 22 Comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Ume-Tei =D
Ume-Tei itu apakah? Actly ni nama sebuah restoran Jepun kt Amcorp Mall yg famly kitorg slalu pegi. Ayah yg introduce this restaurant afta his fren bwk beliau pegi situ satu masa dulu. So td we go there again for lunch, this time all of our family members go there. Oh, sgt bahagia akhirnya dpt eat-out rmai2 at last~ Dsbbkn arini ari org bkerja so rmai la manusia n kereta2 mereka d sana. While in d car me n my siblings dh sgt2 boring menunggu ayah mencari parking. Utk mengisi mse lapang itu, hehe, we snap some pics in d car. Satu tindakan yg comel tp agak immature. So what? No need to rush in growing up anyway, at least not for me =P
why he kept doing that 'mata bulat' thing?
Ok, we look a bit ridiculous. Smpai kne sound dgn Umi then baru masing2 duduk sopan santun dlm kereta tu xgerak2 dh. Padan muka havoc sgt dlm kereta smpai goyang2 kereta karang tercabut pintu sape nk tanggung? Uish.. Sesampainya d Ume-Tei tgk rmai gila org. Smpai ad 10 org menunggu smbil berdiri sbb xcukup kerusi meja. Wah, hebat jgk penangan kamu ye Ume-Tei. So, we all round2 right round around the building kejap n dtg balik still tgk xde tmpt kosong. Oh ptt la, org2 yg keje kt ctu tgh lunch hour. Kami yg xde keje ni pulak juz nk menyibuk kt ctu je so kami undur dri kejap g solat Zohor. Then g sana balik for the 3rd time. Oyeahh, da kosong dh. Pakcik makcik tu sume dh smbong keje, so dptla kami mkn dgn amannya. Sgt sedap + kawaii. Alhamdulillah..
Then tonite our Bibik n my bro Adwa will go to Terengganu by bus at 11PM. The rest of us will go there too by car tp xtaw lg bila mungkin Jumaat mungkin Sabtu. Asalkan balik sudah, karang xbalik Ganu ad pulak org merajuk sbb dh janji kne balik jumpa dia. Kontroversi neh, xleh ckp sapa. Hahaha. Xdelah, beliau adalah kwn sy yg comel tp sensitif tp baik hati dan selalu jugak sy lupa nk bls msg2 beliau sbb bizilah-sgt-aku kt UTP nun. Well, I guess thats all for now. Actly ad luahan hati sket nk tulis. Dh lama terpikir nk tulis tp xtertulis-tulis sbb ntah knpe belum rezki agknye. Sekali sekala emo ape slhnye, kalo Didi bole emo aten bole jgk. Hehe. Coming soon coming soon. Btw, sy dh ade Twitter. Tau x? Tgk kt sidebar tu ek, kalo rse nk follow boleh3 silakan. Kalo xnk pn xpe, sy bkn la sape2 kn utk anda bzbody nk tau sume yg sy buat. Hihi.. Kalo sy mls update blog sy akan update Twitter secara ringkas n padat so that anda xpelu msg/call sy tanya buat apa ada d mana dgn siapa. Heh, perasan je ad org nk tau sgt psl dia. Ok2, sblm anda menyampah baik sy mtk diri dlu. Huhu.. Salaam ^_^
Only a Girl's Thoughts.. ChE AtEn♥♥ being poured out at 8:45 PM 7 Comments
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