looking back......
the first one ended after 6 months~
the second one ended after exactly 1 year~
and currently......
the third one is now 1 year & 6 months~
boo ya! i dont believe the number means anything anymore. for all i know, there's no reason why what i have currently needs to end in any way or any time. not always a bed of roses, maybe full of hurting thorns accompanied by uninviting tears but... i'd rather stay here. for more coming years and months.. well, hopefully God's willing i'll b strong to move on. it is one of the greatest give anyway~ :)
Love is in the air...
i dont think so.........
kte gune lagu same ngn blog awk ek..sngt tenang lagu ni..hehe..:)
sure my dear.. nice song right :)
'cos it is only a number.
and it doesn't mean anything.
but, the love itself that counts.
fana..~ :)
agreed2. thanks dear. and btw, i miss u laa.. next sem kite pulak intern huhu~
aten... insya allah yg kali ni jadiiii ek! i'll pray for ur happiness. and don't forget me when it's time to give cards. hehe :)
nice ^^
smoga berbahagia slalu ....
@nadirah : aminnn didi.insyaAllah im putting my best hope.hee..well, we know each other's stories right dear.yg kisah dlu2 time xmatang.haha.i'll pray 4 u too.cards? kad raya mauuu kaa :P
@zainul zaki : insyaAllah.. terima kasih :
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