Kawan2.. ;)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Another Birthday Wish ^^

Happy birthday my best friend,
Amazing times, we always spend.
Laughter and jokes are common place,
Since we built that solid base.

Special friend that I hold dear,
Always wish to have you near.
We get along, like bread with honey,
A friendship worth, much more than money.

If you stumble, count me there,
Gratitude; no need to declare.
Your thoughts are clear, in my mind,
Understanding we always find.

Happy birthday my best friend,
I’m excited to attend.
This birthday poem, is just for you,
A great big smile is overdue :)

~Selamat Ulang Tahun Kelahiran ke-22 Nur Syakirah Kamaruzaman~
~Semoga diberkati umur Nur Syakirah Kamaruzaman yang lepas dan mendatang~
~Semoga yang baik terus kekal, yang kurang baik bertambah baik~
~Jangan lupe, "Cari yang baru".. haha~

Keep that smile! ^__^


Muhammad Khairi Bin Roslim said...

buat2 lupe je bday dia awk..ti dia mintak hadiah haha :D

fishies said...

hahaha. mane bole lupe besday mami sendiri.
ish2.. :P

btw, tenkiu yayang for being there when i really need someone to talked to. :)

ChE AtEn♥♥ said...

nak buat2 lupe pon xleh..awal2 dia ingatkan da. haha. hadiah mintak dgn abg K! :P

no problemo mami.. u've been there too always for me :)

HeNRieTTa JoSe said...

Happy birthday to yr fren too...

Discover said...

It very funny.I enjoyed it.

see and know

feadamaya shoppe said...

Assalamualaikum, awesome blog awak dengan cerita2 yang menarik... Mari ke blog saya pulak, melihat pelbagai jenis kain yang cantik.Semuanya boleh di dapati dengan harga yang berpatutan :) Jom Singgah

Aya Zuki - Master Shaklee | Consultant Quantum Metal said...

happy besday untuk kawan kamu juga..hee (walaupon besday bulan april nuu )heee

Hana said...

jangan lup singgah

SyaNa_SaN said...

mintak izin saya guna poem ni untuk bday bff saya jugak k... TQ

cdinkb said...

It's poetic blog.No harm.Any one desire and wishes.
Pray you good luck.

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